Foyala Reid
Foyala Reid Infant and Toddler Childcare
Foyala Reid Infant and Toddler Childcare
Sylvaha Peterson Infant and Toddler Childcare
Alka Kumar M.Psych. Infant and Toddler Childcare
Imani Davis Social Imani Davis is a social worker at Family Connections.
Jessica Libowitz Social Jessica Libowitz is a social worker at Family Connections.
Steven Brooks Community School Coordinator, Glenmount
Annie Weber Community School Coordinator, Henderson Hopkins
Jessica Lawrence Climate Coach
Harold Jones College & Career Readiness Coordinator, Renaissance Academy High Mr. Jones is the College and Career Coordinator at Renaissance Academy High School. Although his background is in the biological sciences, he has a passion for educational access and experiential learning. His ability to create lasting and influential relationships with students, parents, and stakeholders…
Shayne Couch-Murray LMSW Community School Coordinator, Historic Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Elementary School Shayne C-M, LMSW is the Community School Coordinator at THSCT. He is a curator of community-building and networking. He loves creating spaces for personal growth and development. In his spare time, he enjoys soaking up the sun, photography, watching action-thrillers, and listening to a…